Hakomi Trainings

Discover Deep Healing and Transformation

Applications are now open.

Explore our 2025-26 trainings beginning in October. Early bird pricing available now.

Completion of Level 1 (or Hakomi Comprehensive Training Level 1 and permission of the instructor) is required for Level 2.

Which Hakomi training is right for me?

The Hakomi Method is taught in two distinct training tracks: The Hakomi Professional Training is geared towards mental health clinicians.  At this time, the Hakomi Institute of California is only offering the Professional Training. The Hakomi Comprehensive Training is geared towards allied helping professions. This training is not currently offered by the Hakomi Institute of California but you can find full information on training by going to the International Hakomi Institute website.

I'm interested in personal growth

Hakomi workshops are open to the general public and are a great way to support your personal growth, as well as working with a certified Hakomi Therapist.

I'm an allied helping professional

The Hakomi Comprehensive Training is geared towards coaches, educators, spiritual counselors, body workers and health care professionals who wish to incorporate the Hakomi Method into their work.

I'm a mental health professional

Our Hakomi Professional Trainings are for psychotherapists, and those on a licensure track, and others with equivalent skills and knowledge.

Core Competencies

At this time, the Hakomi Institute of California is only offering the Hakomi Professional Training which is geared towards psychotherapists, those on a clinical licensure track, and others with equivalent skills and knowledge.

All teaching is experiential and includes time for practice and feedback. Trainers and teaching assistants provide direct and immediate guidance and feedback during supervised practice with an emphasis on specific clinical applications and skills development.

How to access right brain to right brain limbic connection with the client, paving the way for unfolding into unconscious material; how to use moment-to-moment interventions to address and heal attachment wounds.

How to notice the workings of the unconscious in present experience and in non-verbal signals; how to use the present moment and the body to build limbic connection and uncover rich sources of psychological information.

How to achieve the depth and exploration that make therapy come alive; practical methods for deeply exploring the psyche; powerful interventions for safely working with thought, sensation, impulse, emotion and memory and exploring their origins.

How to use mindfulness-centered experiments to surface psychological material not easily accessible through conversation alone; differentiating between traumatic and developmental issues.

How to work elegantly with resistance and defenses by supporting them; transforming core beliefs and mental models of self, others and the world.

Practical and effective approaches for experientially working with transference/countertransference enactments that address the core of the client’s psyche.

Level 1: Foundational Training
Level 2: Advanced Training
Certification Track

Level One of the Hakomi Professional Training offers a thorough grounding in the theories of Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy and its therapeutic applications through a combination of live-online meetings and home-study materials. Brief online video talks and demonstrations are brought to life in our interactive, experiential training weekends. 

This training consists of seven monthly modules. Training weekends include a mix of didactic material, experiential exercises, discussion, movement/embodiment exercises, and supervised practice times.

The goals of the training are first, to learn about the stages and flow of the Hakomi method grounded in the Hakomi principles and loving presence. Second, to become a more embodied therapist and deepen your ability to be present with  your clients. Third, learn to recognize and work with developmental and cultural shaping as you apply specific experiential techniques that bring the method to life.

Level Two of the Hakomi Professional Training, designed for those individuals who have completed a Level One, continues to develop the skills and practices learned in Level One. 

The goals of the training are first to deepen relational sensitivity and attunement to your clients.  Second, develop trust in your own somatic experience to work more intuitively.. Third, refine your ability to develop hypotheses through observation of clients’ somatic patterns and behaviors. Fourth, offer reparative experiences to help heal developmental trauma, attachment, and cultural wounds. Level Two includes extensive practice sessions with advanced supervision and feedback from staff to stabilize and integrate what’s learned.

This training consists of seven monthly modules. Training weekends include a mix of didactic material, experiential exercises, discussion, movement/embodiment exercises, and supervised practice times.

The Hakomi Certification Track offers group and individual supervision to graduates to hone skills and embodiment of the method. 

  • If you’re a licensed clinician, you can work towards certification as a Certified Hakomi Therapist (CHT)
  • If you’re a coach, pastoral counselor, bodyworker, self-awareness educator, or practice a related helping profession, you can pursue certification as a Certified Hakomi Practitioner (CHP).


You’re welcome to read the documents below to familiarize yourself with the process and guidelines for certification in the Hakomi Method.

Hakomi Therapist/Practitioner Certification Process

Hakomi Therapist/Practitioner Certification Guidelines 

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