Meet the Team

Embodywise and Hakomi Institute of California, and ISITTA faculty members possess many years of experience teaching their particular specialties in somatic psychology both locally and internationally. Each instructor brings a unique perspective to their teaching as well as extensive professional background. Our team-based teaching model also includes talented teachers-in-training.

Hakomi Institute of California Faculty

Ashley Ross

Ashley Ross, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Brian Lim, Certified Hakomi Teacher and Therapist

Brian Lim, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

David Fish

David Fish, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Dominique Lando

Dominique Lando, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Emmy Akiyama, Hakomi Teacher

Emmy Akiyama, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Stefanie Wolf

Stefanie Wolf, LCSW, CHT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher in Training

Jon Eisman, Senior Hakomi Trainer

Jon Eisman, CHT

Senior Hakomi Trainer Founder of Re-Creation of the Self

Julie Murphy Headshot

Julie Murphy, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer

Karen Daley

Karen Daley, MA, LMFT, CHT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Manuela Mischke-Reeds, ISITTA Founder and Trainer

Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer ISITTA Founder and Trainer

Nicole Heinrich, Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Nicole Heinrich, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Rob Fisher

Rob Fisher, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer

Scott Eaton, Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer

Scott Eaton, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer

Susan San Tara, Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer

Susan San Tara, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Trainer

ISITTA Faculty

Manuela Mischke-Reeds, ISITTA Founder and Trainer

Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MA, LMFT

ISITTA Founder and Trainer

Ashley Ross

Ashley Ross, MA, LMFT

Certified Hakomi Therapist and Teacher

Staci Haines

Staci Haines

Developer of Generative Somatics

Embodywise Staff

Hillary Keith, Program Manager

Hillary Keith

Program Manager

David Macek, Executive Director

David Macek

Executive Director

Former Guest Faculty

Maci Daye

Maci Daye, LPC, CHT

Psychotherapist Founder of Passion and Presence

Mahshid Fashandi Hage

Mahshid Fashandi Hager, LMFT

Psychotherapist Somatic Experiencing Faculty

heather sundberg meditation teacher

Heather Sundberg

Insight Meditation Teacher

jennifer dore psychiatrist

Jennifer Dore, MD

Psychiatrist Founder of Helios Psychiatry

Arielle Schwartz, Clinical Psychologist Developer

Arielle Schwartz, PhD

Clinical Psychologist Developer: Resilience Informed Therapy

Joshua Sylvae, Psychotherapist Somatic Experiencing Faculty

Joshua Sylvae, PhD, LMFT

Psychotherapist Somatic Experiencing Faculty

Sheila Rubin

Sheila Rubin, LMFT, RDT/BCT

Co-Creator of Healing Shame Therapy and Creator of Embodied Life Story Process

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